
Hello! My name is Melissa.

And I am a dedicated wedding photographer specializing in capturing the essence of love stories at various Chicago Wedding Venues. The city is home to a plethora of beautiful venues, and Astoria stands out as a gem among them. We love embracing your dreams, love, and heart's desires—whether it's your Wedding Day, those intimate family moments, or encapsulating the spirit of High School Seniors as they stand on the cusp of a new journey. The beauty lies in the effortless threads of time, captured through the candid expressions and movements that tell a story. In Chicago, with its array of stunning wedding venues, what sets us apart is our dedication to engage with your heart's visual narrative, focusing on the minute details, and steering clear of life's complexities. Navigating through the myriad Wedding Venues, I've realized every venue has its unique charm, but our utmost joy springs from the creative and artistic approach we employ at each one. Every photograph is more than just an image; it's a tapestry of emotions, dreams, and memories. With every frame, I aim to craft personalized narratives, encapsulating emotions and moments that not only stand the test of time but also become heirlooms—cherished memories ready to be shared and handed down through generations.


Telling your story one heartbeat at a time